Source code for cshogi.KI2

from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import re
from datetime import datetime

import cshogi
from cshogi import Board, KIF, BLACK_WIN, WHITE_WIN, DRAW, move_to, move_from, move_is_drop, move_is_promotion, move_from_piece_type, move_drop_hand_piece, hand_piece_to_piece_type

[docs]class Parser: """A class for parsing Japanese Shogi notation in KI2 format.""" MOVE_RE = re.compile(r'(▲|△)(([123456789])([零一二三四五六七八九])|同 ?)([歩香桂銀金角飛玉と杏圭全馬龍])(左|直|右)?(上|寄|引)?(打|成|不成)?\s*') HANDYCAP_SFENS = { '平手': cshogi.STARTING_SFEN, '香落ち': 'lnsgkgsn1/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '右香落ち': '1nsgkgsnl/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '角落ち': 'lnsgkgsnl/1r7/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '飛車落ち': 'lnsgkgsnl/7b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '飛香落ち': 'lnsgkgsn1/7b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '二枚落ち': 'lnsgkgsnl/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '三枚落ち': 'lnsgkgsn1/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '四枚落ち': '1nsgkgsn1/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '五枚落ち': '2sgkgsn1/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '左五枚落ち': '1nsgkgs2/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '六枚落ち': '2sgkgs2/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '八枚落ち': '3gkg3/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', '十枚落ち': '4k4/9/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL w - 1', 'その他': None } RESULT_RE = re.compile(r'まで(\d+)手で((先|下|後|上)手の(勝ち|入玉勝ち|反則勝ち|反則負け)|千日手|持将棋|中断)')
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_file(path: str) -> "Parser": """Parses a KI2 format Shogi game notation file. :param path: Path to the file containing the KI2 notation. :return: An instance of the Parser class containing all the extracted information. :raises KIF.ParserException: In the case of a parse error. """ with open(path, 'r', encoding='cp932') as f: return Parser.parse_str(
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_pieces_in_hand(target: str) -> Dict: """Parses pieces in hand from a given string. :param target: String containing the description of the pieces in hand. :return: A dictionary representing the pieces in hand. :raises KIF.ParserException: In the case of a parse error. """ if target == 'なし': # None in japanese return {} result = {} for item in target.split(' '): if len(item) == 1: result[cshogi.PIECE_JAPANESE_SYMBOLS.index(item)] = 1 elif len(item) == 2 or len(item) == 3: result[cshogi.PIECE_JAPANESE_SYMBOLS.index(item[0])] = \ cshogi.NUMBER_JAPANESE_KANJI_SYMBOLS.index(item[1:]) elif len(item) == 0: pass else: raise KIF.ParserException('Invalid pieces in hand') return result
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_move_str(line: str, board: Board): """Parses a string of moves and applies them to a given board. :param line: String containing the moves in Japanese Shogi notation. :param board: Board object to apply the moves to. :return: A list of moves parsed from the line. """ # Normalize king/promoted kanji line = line.replace('王', '玉') line = line.replace('竜', '龍') line = line.replace('成銀', '全') line = line.replace('成桂', '圭') line = line.replace('成香', '杏') moves = [] pos = 0 while True: m = Parser.MOVE_RE.match(line[pos:]) if m: piece_type = cshogi.PIECE_JAPANESE_SYMBOLS.index( if' ') == '同': # same position to_square = move_to(board.peek()) else: to_file = cshogi.NUMBER_JAPANESE_NUMBER_SYMBOLS.index( - 1 to_rank = cshogi.NUMBER_JAPANESE_KANJI_SYMBOLS.index( - 1 to_square = to_rank + to_file * 9 # 候補手 candidates = [move for move in board.legal_moves if move_to(move) == to_square and (not move_is_drop(move) and move_from_piece_type(move) == piece_type or move_is_drop(move) and hand_piece_to_piece_type(move_drop_hand_piece(move)) == piece_type)] if or from_file_min = from_rank_min = 9 from_file_max = from_rank_max = 0 for move in candidates: from_file, from_rank = divmod(move_from(move), 9) if from_file < from_file_min: from_file_min = from_file if from_file > from_file_max: from_file_max = from_file if from_rank < from_rank_min: from_rank_min = from_rank if from_rank > from_rank_max: from_rank_max = from_rank if == '左': if board.turn == cshogi.BLACK: candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_from(move) // 9 == from_file_max] else: candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_from(move) // 9 == from_file_min] elif == '右': if board.turn == cshogi.BLACK: candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_from(move) // 9 == from_file_min] else: candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_from(move) // 9 == from_file_max] elif == '直': candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_to(move) // 9 == move_from(move) // 9] if == '上': if board.turn == cshogi.BLACK: candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_from(move) % 9 == from_rank_max] else: candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_from(move) % 9 == from_rank_min] elif == '引': if board.turn == cshogi.BLACK: candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_from(move) % 9 == from_rank_min] else: candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_from(move) % 9 == from_rank_max] elif == '寄': candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_to(move) % 9 == move_from(move) % 9] if == '打': candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_is_drop(move)] if == '成': candidates = [move for move in candidates if move_is_promotion(move)] if == '不成': candidates = [move for move in candidates if not move_is_promotion(move)] if len(candidates) > 1: candidates = [move for move in candidates if not move_is_drop(move)] assert len(candidates) == 1 move = candidates[0] moves.append(move) if board.is_legal(move): board.push(move) pos = m.end() else: break return moves
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_str(kif_str: str) -> "Parser": """Parses a KI2 formatted string into a Parser object. :param kif_str: The KI2 formatted string representing the Shogi game. :return: An instance of the Parser class containing all the extracted information. :raises KIF.ParserException: In the case of a parse error. """ line_no = 1 starttime = None names = [None, None] sfen = cshogi.STARTING_SFEN var_info = {} header_comments = [] moves = [] comments = [] win = None endgame = '' kif_str = kif_str.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') board = Board() for line in kif_str.split('\n'): if len(line) == 0: pass elif line[0] == "*": if len(moves) > 0: if len(moves) - len(comments) > 1: comments.extend([None]*(len(moves) - len(comments) - 1)) if line[:2] == "**": comments.append(line[2:]) else: comments.append(line[1:]) else: header_comments.append(line[1:]) elif ':' in line: (key, value) = line.split(':', 1) value = value.rstrip(' ') if key == '開始日時': try: starttime = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') except ValueError: try: # if KIF file has not second information, try another parse starttime = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') except ValueError: pass elif key == '先手' or key == '下手': # sente or shitate # Blacks's name names[cshogi.BLACK] = value elif key == '後手' or key == '上手': # gote or uwate # White's name names[cshogi.WHITE] = value elif key == '手合割': # teai wari sfen = Parser.HANDYCAP_SFENS[value] if sfen is None: raise KIF.ParserException('Cannot support handycap type "other"') board.set_sfen(sfen) else: var_info[key] = value else: m = Parser.RESULT_RE.match(line) if m: win_side_str = if win_side_str == '先' or win_side_str == '下': if == '反則負け': win = WHITE_WIN endgame = '%ILLEGAL_MOVE' else: win = BLACK_WIN endgame = '%+ILLEGAL_ACTION' if == '反則勝ち' else ('%KACHI' if == '入玉勝ち' else '%TORYO') elif win_side_str == '後' or win_side_str == '上': if == '反則負け': win = BLACK_WIN endgame = '%ILLEGAL_MOVE' else: win = WHITE_WIN endgame = '%-ILLEGAL_ACTION' if == '反則勝ち' else ('%KACHI' if == '入玉勝ち' else '%TORYO') elif == '持将棋': win = DRAW endgame = '%JISHOGI' elif == '中断': win = None endgame = '%CHUDAN' else: # TODO: repetition of moves with continuous check win = DRAW endgame = '%SENNICHITE' break for move in Parser.parse_move_str(line, board): moves.append(move) line_no += 1 if len(moves) - len(comments) > 0: comments.extend([None]*(len(moves) - len(comments))) parser = Parser() parser.starttime = starttime parser.names = names parser.sfen = sfen parser.var_info = var_info parser.comment = '\n'.join(header_comments) parser.moves = moves parser.comments = comments = win parser.endgame = endgame return parser
PIECE_JAPANESE_SYMBOLS2 = [ '', '歩', '香', '桂', '銀', '角', '飛', '金', '玉', 'と', '成香', '成桂', '成銀', '馬', '龍' ]
[docs]def move_to_ki2(move: int, board: Board) -> str: """Convert a given move to Japanese KI2 notation. :param move: An integer representing the move. :param board: A Board object representing the current state of the game. :return: A string representing the move in KI2 notation. """ kifu_turn = '▲' if board.turn == cshogi.BLACK else '△' to_square = move_to(move) kifu_to = KIF.KIFU_TO_SQUARE_NAMES[to_square] if board.peek() != cshogi.MOVE_NONE: if move_to(board.peek()) == to_square: kifu_to = "同" if not move_is_drop(move): relative = '' # 駒の相対位置 motion = '' # 駒の動作 from_square = move_from(move) piece_type = move_from_piece_type(move) kifu_piece = PIECE_JAPANESE_SYMBOLS2[piece_type] candidates = [] promotion = {} for move2 in board.pseudo_legal_moves: if move_to(move2) == to_square and not move_is_drop(move2) and move_from_piece_type(move2) == piece_type: from_square2 = move_from(move2) if from_square2 in promotion: promotion[from_square2] += 1 continue promotion[from_square2] = 1 candidates.append(move2) if len(candidates) > 1: # 後手は180度回転 to_file, to_rank = divmod(to_square if board.turn == cshogi.BLACK else 80 - to_square, 9) from_file, from_rank = divmod(from_square if board.turn == cshogi.BLACK else 80 - from_square, 9) candidates_left = candidates_right = candidates_up = candidates_down = candidates_side = 0 for move2 in candidates: from_square2 = move_from(move2) # 後手は180度回転 from_file2, from_rank2 = divmod(from_square2 if board.turn == cshogi.BLACK else 80 - from_square2, 9) if from_file2 > to_file: # 左 candidates_left += 1 elif from_file2 < to_file: # 右 candidates_right += 1 if from_rank2 > to_rank: # 上 candidates_up += 1 elif from_rank2 < to_rank: # 引 candidates_down += 1 else: # 寄 candidates_side += 1 if from_file == to_file and from_rank > to_rank: # 直 relative = '直' else: if from_rank > to_rank: # 上 if candidates_up == 1: motion = '上' elif from_file > to_file: # 左 relative = '左' if candidates_left > 1: motion = '上' else: # 右 relative = '右' if candidates_right > 1: motion = '上' elif from_rank < to_rank: # 引 if candidates_down == 1: motion = '引' elif from_file > to_file: # 左 relative = '左' if candidates_left > 1: motion = '引' else: # 右 relative = '右' if candidates_right > 1: motion = '上' else: # 寄 if candidates_side == 1: motion = '寄' elif from_file > to_file: # 左 relative = '左' if candidates_left > 1: motion = '寄' else: # 右 relative = '右' if candidates_right > 1: motion = '寄' move_str = '{}{}{}{}{}{}'.format( kifu_turn, kifu_to, kifu_piece, relative, motion, '成' if move_is_promotion(move) else ('不成' if promotion[from_square] == 2 else '') ) else: # 打 hand_peice = move_drop_hand_piece(move) piece_type = hand_piece_to_piece_type(hand_peice) candidates = [move for move in board.legal_moves if move_to(move) == to_square and not move_is_drop(move) and move_from_piece_type(move) == piece_type] kifu_piece = cshogi.HAND_PIECE_JAPANESE_SYMBOLS[hand_peice] move_str = '{}{}{}{}'.format( kifu_turn, kifu_to, kifu_piece, '打' if len(candidates) > 0 else '' ) if move_str[1] == '同' and len(move_str) == 3: move_str = move_str[:2] + ' ' + move_str[2] return move_str
[docs]class Exporter: """A class to handle the exporting of a game to KI2 format. :param path: Optional path to the file where the KI2 formatted game will be written. If None, no file is opened initially. """ def __init__(self, path: Optional[str] = None): if path: else: self.kifu = None
[docs] def open(self, path: str): """Open a file for writing the KI2 formatted game. :param path: Path to the file. """ self.kifu = open(path, 'w', encoding='cp932') self.prev_move = None self.move_number = 1 self.board = Board()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the file.""" self.kifu.close()
[docs] def header(self, names: List[str], starttime: Optional[datetime] = None): """Write the game's header information, including date and player names. :param names: A list containing the names of the players [first_player, second_player]. :param starttime: Optional start time of the game. If None, the current time is used. """ if starttime is None: starttime = self.kifu.write('開始日時:' + starttime.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S\n')) self.kifu.write('手合割:平手\n') self.kifu.write('先手:' + names[0] + '\n') self.kifu.write('後手:' + names[1] + '\n\n')
[docs] def move(self, move: int, comment: Optional[str] = None): """Write a move to the file in KI2 format. :param move: An integer representing the move. :param comment: Optional comment string to be associated with the move. """ move_str = move_to_ki2(move, self.board) self.board.push(move) self.kifu.write('{}\n'.format(move_str)) if comment: self.kifu.write('**{}\n'.format(comment))
[docs] def end(self, reason: str): """Write the game's ending condition. :param reason: A string representing the reason for the game's end (e.g., %TORYO, %SENNICHITE). """ # 結果出力 if reason == '%TORYO': self.kifu.write('まで{}手で{}の勝ち\n'.format(self.board.move_number - 1, '先手' if self.board.turn == cshogi.WHITE else '後手')) elif reason == '%JISHOGI': self.kifu.write('まで{}手で持将棋\n'.format(self.board.move_number + 1)) elif reason == '%KACHI': self.kifu.write('まで{}手で{}の入玉勝ち\n'.format(self.board.move_number - 1, '先手' if self.board.turn == cshogi.BLACK else '後手')) elif reason == '%SENNICHITE': self.kifu.write('まで{}手で千日手\n'.format(self.board.move_number - 1)) elif reason == '%+ILLEGAL_ACTION' or reason == '%-ILLEGAL_ACTION': self.kifu.write('まで{}手で{}の反則勝ち\n'.format(self.board.move_number - 1, '先手' if self.board.turn == cshogi.WHITE else '後手')) elif reason == '%ILLEGAL_MOVE': self.kifu.write('まで{}手で{}の反則負け\n'.format(self.move_number - 1, '先手' if self.board.turn == cshogi.WHITE else '後手'))